Hellebore Ice N Roses Early Rose Snow Rose

Helleborus 'Ice N' Roses Rose'

SKU: TL-hepi1-3-1

USDA Zone:


Watering Needs:

Let dry between waterings

Sun Needs:

Partial sun or shade

Kickstart the beauty of your garden with Helleborus ‘Ice N’ Roses Early Rose,’ blooming ahead of the season with enchanting, up-facing rose-pink flowers that defy winter’s chill. This vigorous plant delivers an impressive flower count, even in its youth. As the flower buds start to peek through, cut back spent foliage to let these gorgeous blooms take center stage. Perfect for those who crave early color and vibrancy, ‘Ice N’ Roses Early Rose’ transforms the bleakest winter days into a dazzling floral spectacle. Bring the promise of spring into your garden sooner with this captivating winter bloomer!

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Size : Quart


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